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| | As we are so generous, we are allowing for free downloads of some of our products. These come with no warranty of any kind, and support is limited to the PowerChat discussion group. All downloadable files are in archived format and the file type once downloaded needs to be changed to reflect this.
If you are looking for MDOS/Adelian downloads, please click here.
CDFSSoftPower (RISCOS) - This is a CDFS driver which supports all generic SCSI-2, NEC SCSI-2, Toshiba SCSI-2 and 'auto-changers' CDROM drives. The full CDFS APIs are supported (eg. read audio etc). (Download size of 8 KBytes which would take about 1 seconds to download with a 500Kb/sec connection.) |
Cold Tea (an audio MIDI file) - A tune for which Gary Partis was incorrectly credited with in the 1980s! Gary simply reversed the tune and used it in his game 'Psycastria' for BBC/Electron/C64. The original was composed by the excellent Andy Lee Robinson, see https://www.haveland.com/index.htm?music.htm . (Download size of 30 KBytes which would take about 1 seconds to download with a 500Kb/sec connection.) |
DOS Discs Support (RISCOS) - This file contains a version of DOSFS which allows for partitions greater than 32MBytes (ie. FAT16) and the DOSMount module which recognises DOS discs in drives. Place both modules in your startup sequence. (Download size of 21 KBytes which would take about 1 seconds to download with a 500Kb/sec connection.) |
PowerZip Lite (RISCOS) - This is a read-only version of our PowerZip product, which allows for the connectivity of Iomega Zip, Zip+ and Zip250 drives to the parallel port of a RiscOS based workstation. It is read-only, does not come with a formatter, nor does it allow for re-configuaration of file system settings. A full version is available for sale on this site (shop section). Please note that for older computers, it is advisable to also download and use the DOSFS modules (available on this page), for accessing DOS Zip discs. (Download size of 30 KBytes which would take about 1 seconds to download with a 500Kb/sec connection.) |
SJC SoftBlob (Windows Win32) - A free and simple GPS tracking system. (Download size of 33 KBytes which would take about 1 seconds to download with a 500Kb/sec connection.) |
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